This past weekend we went to Moab to run the Half Marathon. We met up with me best friend and her hubby and brother and friend. We planned on camping, but ended up getting a little cabin, which was really good for Kyle. It had AC in it or a heater for the night. It was perfect. On Friday we went into the National park and did some looking around and a little hiking. Saturday was race day. Jeff drove my to the buses and I was off up the canyon. This is one of the prettiest run's I have done. St. George Marathon is really pretty as well, but this one was cool, because we got to run by the Colorado River the whole time it was great. I had a really good race and felt pretty good except for my stupid feet. I have what is called neuroma. It's where your feet and toes go numb and tingle as well. For me it's in the balls of my feet, so it makes it hard for me to keep running on them because it hurts. But, what do you do? I love running and it's how I lose weight. So I am hoping I can get surgery or something to fix this little annoyance. But it was so fun to be there, and to have Jeff waiting for me at the Finish. (Sorry the pictures are not that great, I took them with my phone, because I forgot my camera, and I did not post may pics of me because I look like an elephant)
The Riparian Preserve in Gilbert
6 years ago
great job jamie! we'll have to go running sometime, although I can barely get a mile and a half down....
Congratulations! I am really impressed that you can still do all that you do FOUR kids later!
You go girl! I wish I liked running! I'm thinking of getting a treadmill though because even when I was in awesome shape and did the St. George half marathon with you - it was rough.
First of all, you do not look like an elephant. Not even close.
Second, congrats on running! That's awesome you are doing it so faithfully. I haven't ran more than 4 miles since my marathon- almost 2 years ago. Haha
That looks like a beautiful run!
I see no Elephant, nor anything that looks like an elephant.
Great job on the run, it's awesome that you're still at it after all this time (remember that time I went with you all to St. George?)
By the way I didn't know there was actually a condition for the numb feet. mine do that too but I figure it's just from tying my laces too tight over my high arches. Anyway, Awesome job, keep it up.
Good job! I think you're looking great and I'm very impressed you did it! I could probably run across the street to the stop sign..... Keep at it.
Congrats on finishing! I get that numbness in my toes but it is not bad enough that I can't keep running. Now I am having problems with my knee. Too bad you can't come do the SLC Marathon with me in 3 weeks, I could use some support.
Wow - - Congratulations!! What a great accomplishment!
Good Job MiMi!! I knew you still had it in you. After looking at your snowy pics, makes me greatful where I live. Can't wait to see ALL my grandkids this weekend; oh and of course my daughters and Jeffey. I promise the weather will be worth the drive.
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