Monday, August 31, 2009

6 years Old


Weight: 39 lbs (12 %)
Height: 43 1/2 inch (10 %)

Likes: Star Wars, cars, jumping on the tramp, riding your bike, swimming (which you can now do on your own), going down water slides, more Star Wars, playing the Wii, bowling.

Dislikes: Peas ( you gag on them), medicine, anything grape flavored, getting stung by bees

Favorite toys: Mellennium Falcon, Any Star Wars toys, trains

Favorite foods: Pizza, spaghetti, turkey sandwhiches

Favorite resturaunt: Subway with sun chips

Freinds: Kayla, Hailey, Hailey, Nathan, Craig

Favorite movie's and shows: Star Wars , Ben 10, Magic School Bus, Bat man, and Spider Man

Favorite book: Magic School Bus, or books about space

Fovorite non- toy things: Nemo blanket ( you have had since you were 1) and your monkey

I can't believe you are six years old already. It seems like we were just in Cleveland having you. It was a long and horrible labor, but you are so worth it and can't imagine life without you. You are such a good help around the house and always try to help your younger siblings. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

enemyemily said...

You need to put in a pic of matthew trying to carry his millineum falcon. I can't believe how big that thing is.