My baby turns 2 today, and I can hardly believe it. 2 years ago, at about this time, I came home from my routine doctor apt and he told me I was already 4 cm dilated, and I didn't even know it. Later that night we got to the hospital at about 7:00 and I was almost at 6 and then we had him at 10:59 p.m with 1 push. His birth was so great and easy, he was my lightest at 7 lbs 14 oz and 19 inches long. I really can not tell you what a joy it is to have around Brandon. You have defiantly been our toughest, colic baby, but you have such a fun personality right now and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Your Milestones at 2:
Weight: 24.7 lbs = 12th %tile
Height: 32 1/4 in = 6th %tile
You love your Kitty ( who goes everywhere with you) Elmo, Micky Mouse, and trains
You love to play with rocks, CARS, cars and more cars, and ride your little bike
You are a very good jumper and jump and do flips off of anything
You can do lots of puzzles, and know most of your animal sounds
You can sing twinkle little star, part of the alphabet, I am a Child of God, Jesus want me for a Sunbeam, Happy and you know it, Itsy Bitsy Spider and a few other songs
You can count to 10
You are ALWAYS asking for Hugs with your arms wide open ,and then for kisses and give the gentlest little kiss. It is sooo cute.
You love Ashlie and Matthew very much and try so hard to be just like them
Happy Birthday little guy we love you so much and can't imagine life without you!!!
Stay tuned for the big Elmo Party Tomorrow!!