Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 Months

6 Months:

Weight: 15 Lbs 2 oz ( 10%)
Hight: 2' 2" ( 32%)
Head: 17.01" ( 33%)

  • You now officially roll both ways YEA!!
  • You got your first tooth at 5 1/2 months and now have both bottom teeth. (Earliest teether by far)
  • You can sit up for about 1 min or so
  • You really enjoy all of your toys still: jumper, exersaucer, swing and bouncy seat
  • You still LOVE to chew on your hands and burp cloths
  • You still will NOT eat any baby food just milk, milk, and milk ( Very strange)
  • You are starting to choose different sleeping positions, and starting to get attached to your blanket
  • You love your baths and love to splash
  • You are starting to not like stangers
  • You LOVE your paci
  • You love to jump

Kyle you are starting to get such a cute personality. You love to snuggle with mom and when we hold you ever our shoulder you like to bite it. You always light up when you see your Sister and are very entertained by your siblings. You are such a good sleeper and are usually in bed by 7:30 at the latest. My goal this month is to get you to like some sort of baby food. You have tried a few fruit puffs and gagged on them, but who knows maybe you will go staight to table food.

WE love you little guy!!

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