Yes, this was planned and we are so excited to have this little one join our family. I am only 10 weeks along and I had my 1st appointment today. Everything is looking good and you could see the little tike moving around. It was SO cute. It made me fall in love with it already, just to see it moving. You can see it's little legs and arm in the picture. My due date is October 28th. I am hoping in 2 weeks to start feeling better and be a little more motivated, and I will be done with the 1st trimester. YEA!! Sorry it's sideways.
congrats, congrats, congrats! how exciting and exhausting at the same time. i'm going to try for #4 in a couple of months, but i'm scared stiff. i just need to do it and not think about it. way to go. i hope you're feeling better soon. take care.
Congratulations! You are taking the big plunge and going for 4 huh. We are thinking about it as well. So happy for you guys!
Congrats! I am so excited for you and Jeff and your cute family!
Hurray! I'm glad you went public! Love the pics! How do the kids feel about another sibling? Hope you feel better soon.
Congrats! I'm not sure that I have the patience and energy for another one, but I sure miss holding the oh so tiny little baby, all snuggled up next to you. It's a great feeling--see, I'm just a little baby hungry, but then I hear my kids argueing, and I don't think I can do it again. Good luck!!
Congrats I'm super excited for you!
Congrats!!! You are such an amazing mom, I'm sure you'll make it look easy...just like with 3! What fun news! Hope you feel better soon. That is just the worst!
Well I said congrats on the other blog... but congrats again. I just wanted to say the baby "bouncing" around the "womb" on your baby counter is kinda creapy. Does it get bigger as you count down? That would be cool. I'm hoping you have an early baby then he/she could be born on the 9th. (best day in October to have a baby)
Yeah, I am so glad that you have now posted your news!
CONGRATS!!! That is so exciting! I am very happy for you guys! Wow... 4 kids. You are incredible and brave. Haha. Although you're a complete pro at it, now :)
CONGRATULATIONS! That is so exciting! I'm really happy for you and your family!!!
CONGRATS!! I remember just talking to you about baby #4 as we were running the St. George marathon! That's awesome!
CONGRATULATIONS... you're so funny ,"yes, this one was planned" LOL... How exciting!
Yikes! You are more brave than I am to have your kids so close together. Congrats!
How exciting!! So happy for all of you... congrats!
Wow Congratulations! That is so fun and exciting! I can't even imagine four. You'll have lots of fun, I'm sure.
Hope to see you sometime. ....Will that ever happen?
Hey Jamie -
It's been a long time! Congratulations on #4!
So exciting. 4 will be a breeze... they just seem to mesh in with the chaos that is already going on. Hope you start feeling well too. keep us posted.
So fun to have #4 coming. The forth just seems to mesh into all the existing chaos- you will do awesome- no sweat. Hope you start feeling well. keep us posted.
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