So, I have finally hit 30. I am no longer part of the 20's and quite frankly I am pretty happy with where I am today. I have a wonderful husband who works hard, is a GREAT father, I have 3 wonderful children with 1 on the way. I don't have to much to complain about, except that the years just fly by, and before you know it, your kids are all grown up and I'm getting old. So, I have to say that my 30th birthday was pretty great. We first started off be celebrating on May 3rd at Jeff's parents, and we also celebrated my father-in-laws at the same time, who's birthday is on the 4th. We had a wonderful barbeque and a wonderful cake made be my sister-in-law Emily.
Here is the wonderful cake that my sister-in-law made for our joint celebration. It is a princess cake as Ashlie called it, but to make it a little more masculine, she added a nato plane on top for an added touch. My favorite part is the candles that say 6230. It was a fun celebration together, thanks for sharing it with me Dad.

Then on the 7th of May we headed off to St. george for a wonderful stay in the SUN!! The first few day's, we just chilled and played at some parks. Sorry we did not get to visit anybody, it was such a short trip. Then on Friday, jeff told me he had a surprise for me and that we were going out for my Birthday (which was on Sunday the 11th) So we took the kids to my Mom's work at 4:00 and dropped them off with her. Jeff gave me a card and it said, that we were going to Vegas and he was taking me to see Phantom of the Opera. Wahooo. I was so excited, I have always wanted to see that, so we went and had dinner before and then saw the show. It was awesome, and we had a really good time. Unfortunately we did not bring our camera, so these were taken from our phone. And it's all we got. We were so bummed to forget our camera.

On Saturday we went to Mesquite and swam. The water was kind of cold, but it was hot outside and the kids had a good time.

Sunday was a great day, being Mother's Day and my Birthday. I got to sleep in, got my fav breakfast (french toast), the kids made me wonderful cards, and got me a patio swing for our back yard, which I am totally excited about. I asked Matthew what his card said with all the scribbles, and he said " To mom, happy birthday, have a special day love Matthew" I thought that was so cute, it just melted my heart. We had a yummy steak Barbeque and celebrated with presents and cake. It really was a wonderful day, and can't thank Jeff enough for the wonderful Husband that he is.