Monday, May 5, 2008


Every once in a while Ashlie has an accident and pees her pants. Last night after she got out of the bath, I asked her Ashlie, why did you pee your pants? She said to me " mommy it was an akident (accident)", I told her that she knew she had to go, because she was dancing around and she said again "mommy it was a akident (accident), you can't ell (yell) at me, it was an akident. It was so cute, I just had to laugh inside. It was just her little voice is so cute when she was saying it.


Kristin said...

She's darling. Video clips are in order, here. Figure out how to post them so I can see those cute kids!

Brandon and Carly said...

Hey! Its Carly Robison! I was just looking at friends blogs, and I found you on there. How are you guys doing? E-mail me at and we can catch up. (I also have to invite you before you can see my blog.) I am so glad I found you guys!