My handsome boy!

Matthew's Birthday was actually on the 28th of August, so I am a little late. He had such a fun birthday this year, and I'm learning it gets harder because they actually know what they want. I can't believe it has been five years already and that he used to look like this cute little baby.
At 5 years old you weighed 35.5 lbs = 14th%tile
you were 40 inches = 13th%tile
Things you like and enjoy:
Transformers, Spiderman, Batman, helicopters, love to ride your bike, rollerblade, swimming, grandma's and grandpa's, the zoo and other museum's.
You love to play Soccer and Baseball. Jumping on the trampoline and doing all sorts of crazy flips. You love to tell time and read books. You are really enjoying Kindergarten and learning to read words. You are enjoying swimming a lot more and learning to really swim underwater for a long time.
On Matthew's Birthday he brought a treat to share with his class and they sang happy Birthday to him, which he thought was pretty cool, and then he chose to go to a park over McDonalds for lunch. He got to open a few presents there and loved it of course. He got a transformer from his Aunt Emily and then he got a Buzz light Year Bow and Arrow which he loves.
Then later that day after Jeff got off work and headed down to Colorado Springs for a dinner and party with Jeff's family. We had yummy steak and then partied the night away until 9:00. He really had a great birthday, so thank you to ALL for your wonderful gifts and calls.