4 years old:Weight: 31.5 lbs ( 22%)
Height: 38 1/2 in ( 26%)
Favorite foods: Grapes, chicken nuggets, pizza, banana's, Macaroni & Cheese, gum
Favorite color: pink and purple
Favorite songs: Any thing from the Diamond Castle movie, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Favorite toys: Diamond Castle barbies, kitchen, dolls
Likes: riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, anything with drawing and coloring and crafts, helping cook
Dislikes: Milk ( would not touch it the day we took her off bottles), juice, having water poured over your head
Presents: backpack filled with sleeping bag, flashlight,and water bottle, tent, Step 2 kitchen and a lot of things to go in it, Leana (from diamond castle), Diamond castle computer, Purple dragon and book, princess makeup,& island princess barbie. We had such a fun birthday swimming at the APEX center and BBQ ing with family. She was going to have a party with her friends, but 6 of them were sick, so we canceled. I felt really bad, but what are you going to do.