4 years old:
Weight: 31.5 lbs ( 22%)
Height: 38 1/2 in ( 26%)
Favorite foods: Grapes, chicken nuggets, pizza, banana's, Macaroni & Cheese, gum
Favorite color: pink and purple
Favorite songs: Any thing from the Diamond Castle movie, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Favorite toys: Diamond Castle barbies, kitchen, dolls
Likes: riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, anything with drawing and coloring and crafts, helping cook
Dislikes: Milk ( would not touch it the day we took her off bottles), juice, having water poured over your head
Presents: backpack filled with sleeping bag, flashlight,and water bottle, tent, Step 2 kitchen and a lot of things to go in it, Leana (from diamond castle), Diamond castle computer, Purple dragon and book, princess makeup,& island princess barbie. We had such a fun birthday swimming at the APEX center and BBQ ing with family. She was going to have a party with her friends, but 6 of them were sick, so we canceled. I felt really bad, but what are you going to do.
What a cute picture of Ashlie holding up her fingers... I can't believe how old she looks... good luck Ashlie with all those boys!
That was a shock for me! It's been SO long since I have seen her and she looks so grown up! I hope she had a really fun birthday; wish we could have been there.
She is so cute and tiny!!! With her %
Thanks again so much for ALL THE CLOTHES!!!! Its great they celebrate their birthdays on the same day!!
Time really does fly by! She is such a cutie! Too bad all her friends were sick! Sounds like she is a little princess in the Wursten household. I am secretly jealous you have "diamond princess barbie" stuff to trip over. :)
Ashlie and Kennedy sound like twins. Anything having to do with the Barbie Diamond Castle is Kennedy's favorite. And purple, pink and sparkly. They would have blast together. Too bad you live, like, 10 hours away or something. (I don't know, I've never driven there. It's just a guess.)
Happy Birthday, Ashlie! She's a doll!
What a beautiful little girl - a perfect mix of you and Jeff. Tell her Happy B-day!
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