Height: 28 1/4 in (3%)
Weight: 18 lbs 1oz (3%)
- You love your brothers and sister. You love to play with them.
- Size 3 diapers
- Still fit into 6 month clothes
- Switched to D milk. YEA !!
- You have 6 teeth ( 4 top and 2 bottom)
- You love to clap and wave bye
- You say mama ( not talking to much)
- You love to unroll the toilet paper and get into my towels drawers (DAILY)
- You love going up and down the stairs
- You are getting better on road trips. Still don't like the car very much though.
- Not even close to walking yet, but you love to push things along the floor and walk with them
- You have night trained your self to eat. So you STILL get up once to eat. ( We are going to work on that )
- You are a little snuggle bug and love to snuggle with mom and of course your blanket and paci ( you always rest your face on mine and just leave it there. It's so cute)
- You love to give open mouth kisses and snuggles
- You ALWAYS have your little tounge sticking out of the corner of your mouth
- You love going down the slides and on the swings
- When daddy comes home you kick your little legs and get really mad if he does not pick you up right away
- You love to try new foods. You still like your baby food, but like table food more and more
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