Brandon is 16 months old today. I can't believe he is that big already. Brandon is such a funny kid right now. He thinks he is the center of attention. I love when he just radomly starts laughing at whatever seems to be amusing him.

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Things that B likes at 16 months
1. Loves wathching the trains go by our window each day( many many times)
2. Loves elephants,giraffes, and stuffed animals.
3. Loves throwing things down the stairs, and laughs histericaly.
4. Loves the outdoors!! Put him out side and he's a happy camper.
5. Loves his animal blanket and pacifier.
6. Loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse. HATES riding in the car!!!
7. Loves his bottle and refuses to hold it by himself.
8. Loves his brothers and sisters and mommy and daddy too.
9. He loves "If your happy and you know it clap your hands,& itsy bitsy spider.
10.Loves getting chased around the house.
11. Loves slides at the park.
12. Loves his bath.
13. And LOVES chocolate!!!
We love our little brandon. He is full of so much joy and keeps us laughing. Love you buddy!