So I have 13 days left, and my nesting instincts are going
CRAZY ! Mostly I feel really bad for Jeff, because half of the things I can't do because it hurts my back really bad. It all started out with organizing my kitchen cubords, and computer desk. Lots, and lots of organizing the kids closets and rooms as well as cleaning. We have painted the babies room which is almost done. I have touched up all of the walls upstairs with paint and made them look really nice and free from scuffs, hand prints, scratches, food, you name it. The downstairs in next. Man my walls are
DIRTY. I have wiped down ALL of the doors and molding around it, and touched them up with paint as well. Hopefully the babies room will be done in the next few days and we can put it together, wash ALL of the baby stuff and clothes and put it together. YEA! I still have to dust the whole house and we have to organize our basement full of way to many toys. And last but not least, we are going to clean our carpets upstairs and down next week. So I have to ask myself, why do I do all of this? And I have absolutly no clue. I just have to. So thank you to Jeff. You only have to put up with all of my craziness for a little longer. I love you!!!