Weight: 28 lbs (12%)
Height: 35 inch (3%)
Likes: trains, cars, somersaults,flipping, CHOCOLATE MILK!!, riding bikes, opening the mailbox, swings, stuffed animals, pj's ( would wear them all day if I let you), bowling,
Favorite movies: Diego, Little Einsteins
Dislikes: eating, and timeouts
You are a very good counter, and LOVE to count everything
You are a very voictress kid, you do NOT have an indoor voice
You like to tell your siblings what to do
When your not being a little turd, you have the sweetest personality ever. You love to give me hugs an kisses or sisses as you call them. You like to read your books everynight before bed, and if you don't read your scriptures you remind me. We love you so much B!
why don't your comments show?
You're kids are so cute and teeny! I can't believe Brandon's %;s.
He is really cute! I see a lot of your side of the family in him. I cannot believe he is 3! I had to re read it was Brandon. I remember when you brought him to Heathers and he was just 18 months
I can't believe he is 3 either! It's crazy!! I know my kids are so little for some reason, I just can't figure it out=)
I say this all the time, I CAN NOT believe how BIG he is getting! Out of all your kids, he is growing the fastest to me.
Your kids are so adorable...I can see so much of you in them. Just a bunch of little Jamie's running around! I wish that I had known you were coming to Utah, I would have liked to have seen you. Oh well, maybe next time. I also noticed your comment, don't worry about your kids being little....my 5 year old weighs less than 35 lbs and is super short. I think that he is in the 2nd percentile for both! He is teeny! They grow eventually! Take care, Nat
Woah! I can't believe how big he is! It's been too long!
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